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Hari Putra Utama

Hari Putra Utama

Power System Consultant

Mr. Hari Putra Utama is a Power System Engineer with sound experience in voltage simulation, dynamic modeling, and transmission studies to assist power industry players to develop optimal solutions for the planning of their interconnected power system network. He has been involved in energy audits and power system modeling. He is proficient in using power system tools such as ETAP, PSCAD, and PowerFactory DigSILENT. He is also adept at integrating MATLAB programs

He received a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya.  wherein he has taken special courses such as optimum operation of power system, and power system planning.

Areas of Focus. Power system stability; power system analysis; voltage control and reactive power planning; transmission planning; transfer limit analysis and application of optimization techniques to power system planning; Power System Optimum operation, Contingency analysis.