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Andi Irawan

Andi Irawan

Power System Consultant

Mr. Irawan is a Power System Engineer with experience in various projects involving analytical studies. He has experience with masterplan distribution projects, evaluation of several kinds of industrial relay studies, and transmission planning projects. These studies have utilized his skills in power flow, contingency analysis, transfer analysis, short-circuit, and transient stability simulations. He is proficient in using different commercial power systems application software such as PSS®E, and ETAP. He is also adept in integrating python languages in PSSE and MATLAB programs.
He received a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya wherein he has taken special courses such as the optimum operation of power systems, and power system planning.

Areas of Focus. Load flow analysis, transfer limit analysis, application of power flow optimization techniques, short-circuit analysis, transient stability analysis, and transmission planning.