Wind energy conversion systems comprise of wind energy, and the mechanical and electrical equipment to convert this into electrical energy. The controls are an important part of being able to deliver the power to the network. Modeling wind systems for power system stability simulation studies requires careful analysis of the equipment and controls to determine the key factors that affect stability in the timeframe and bandwidth of such studies.

There are a number of public and proprietary models of wind turbine units and wind farms available for use with commercial power flow and stability simulation packages. Manufacturers of wind turbines also provide specialized models. Consultants, such as Pterra, labs and research organizations may also develop special user models. Hence, there is a variety of models to choose from. However, there are four basic types of wind farms. In selecting generic models, it may be sufficient to apply the best fit with one of the four basic types. This is particularly appropriate in planning studies.

Model Issues

For power flow analysis, wind farms are represented by a composite, equivalent model representing tens to hundreds of wind turbine units. This approach makes it easy to add a new wind farm model to the existing system, and provide for steady-state starting point to the stability simulation.

Dynamic models are more specific, and different models are required for different types, such as constant speed and variable speed technologies and the various controls. Commercial packages may have generic or manufacturer specific models.

Pterra can help you with model selection or model development, data setup and simulation of new and existing wind farm facilities.